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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get paid?

Simply earn an account balance of more then our minimum payout and request a payout in the members area. We will then review your payment details, and pay you via the selected payment
processor when we have verified your account funds.

Ive requested a payout and havent gotten paid!

If you have not gotten paid, please verify your payment information and account in your profile settings. If you do not meet the required minimum payout, you will not receive a payment. Payments may take up to 30 days in some cases, due to large amounts of payouts we receive. Please be patient, we are doing our best to ensure you get paid, even if we have to take the money out of our own pocket!

I purchased advertising, how do I know it is active?

We will send a username and password once your advertising account for that particular purchase has been setup.

A unique username / password will be givin so that you may login to our advertise section and view live stats on your campaign 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

My advertising has stopped ! WHY?

If we have removed your ad, banner, website, or other campaign, it is possible your account has violated our terms of service and use. Please overview this, if you feel your campaign was removed without good reason, contact us, Hey, we are reasonable :) If you didn't do anything, it's probably just a mistake, we'll correct it, but you have to let us know.

Member Benefits

Low Payout Minimum
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Fair Prices
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Super High Clickthru Rate
Real Time Statistics



Turnkey PTC
Turnkey paid to click websites for sale,

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Total Members 57
Members Today 0
Members online 1
Total paid out $30.00
Hits Today 71
Hits Overall 469017

Advertising Special

Zero byts $2.00
  •  10,000 Featured Banner Credits ($14.95 Value)


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Turnkey PTC
Turnkey paid to click websites for sale,
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